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Friendy Friday with Sara Hegger AND A GIVEAWAY!

Happy March everyone! Spring is almost here, and with it comes Reader Events! BOOKLOVERS CON is almost here! I cannot WAIT to see everyone! I'm excited to be participating this inaugural year and I can't WAIT to be back in the city that stole my heart seven years ago. That trip changed my life and I've been dying to get back there ever since. The Haunted series was born out of my love of New Orleans and I plan to revisit the boys from Maggie's Bones this summer. I'll keep you posted. I'll also be taking a few more trips soon, so stay tuned... ALSO, I've partnered with Rainbow Romance Reads to sponsor a rafflecopter giveaway! Check out their page and enter today!

But this week...Holy Hollywood Starlet, readers. We have the ultra-fabulous Sarah Hegger. I first met Sarah at RT Booklovers Convention in Atlanta in 2017. The picture above was how she looked and she just had this vibe like, "Take my picture, darling. Now, step aside while I conquer the world." And now, two years later, she's taking the world by storm again with her first indie release, Blatantly Blythe. I invited her to join us on the Rock 'n' Romance blog this week to talk about her badass self and her authory life. Here's the interview:

What’s one thing every reader should know about you?

I have the attention span of a goldfish and I will keep writing new genres and new series that appeal to me. I can’t stick to one thing.

Have you had a major setback as an author, and how did you overcome it?

When I lost my publisher, it really hit me hard. It took me most of last year to come to terms with it. I didn’t think it had bothered me as much as it had. And this is what I’m doing to overcome it. I’m picking my lip up off the floor and surging into Indie.

Did a teacher in school ever encourage or discourage your desire to write? Care to share?

My seventh grade English teacher assumed I would be a writer. It’s not like she actively encouraged me, she just behaved as if it was foregone conclusion, so I did LOL

Who do you share your story ideas/writing with first? What can you expect from them?

My husband hears a lot of them. I talk, he interferes and tries to get me to change things. Then I yell at him, and he sulks and swears never to listen to my story ideas again. Until the next time …He’s always trying to insert fight scenes and car chases. He’s also a big softie and hates it when I make a character suffer.

Ever find yourself writing/thinking about writing when you’re supposed to be doing something else?

All the time. I’m doing something mundane and can’t wait to sit down and write. I sit in front of my computer … and check out Facebook.

Which book boyfriend/girlfriend (either one you’ve read or written) sets the standard for heroes/heroines in your writing?

Kate Daniels, written by Ilona Andrews. Such a great character. Also Charlie Davidson by Darynda Jones.

Name a liquid you’ve shot out of your nose while laughing… bonus points for what made you laugh.

Beer, and I can’t remember what made me laugh because that shit hurt.

What’s your favorite music to dance to?

Really cheesy 80s and 90s Brit Pop. The more bubblegum the better. And yes, I do still use the hairbrush to sing along.

Name the first book you read as a young person with sexy times in it. How many times did you read it?

Oh jeez! My parents never censored my reading at all. So I was reading Wilbur Smith novels at eight or nine. At that point I passed over the sex because it was holding up the story. But later …I read Lace about four thousand times. We used to pass it around school and even book marked certain passages. Oh and all those Clan of the Cave Bear books by Jean M Auel. At the time, those made my eyes pop out of my head.

What is the most fascinating thing you’ve discovered because of writing?

I tend to keep writing whatever is going on for me at the time. If there’s a life lesson I’m struggling to learn, I usually put my characters through it. I don’t see it at the time. It’s only afterwards that the penny drops. Also I have a great friend who is a life coach and counselor and she also points it out.

Name a reading guilty pleasure

Name a book that scared the bejeebers out of you and why it scared you.

I can’t remember the title but it was by Dean R Koontz. Also the last scary book I read, and it was more freaky scary than anything else. I was about an hermaphrodite who impregnates himself and then his offspring go around killing people. And they could do some other freaky shit as well, with time travel (at least I think they could, I was too traumatized to absorb much by that time).

If you had to choose a movie or book to live in, what would it be?

I want to live on Pern and be a dragon rider like the Anne McCaffrey books.

Name your author superpower and how does it come out in your writing?

I am the plot master. I have it all mapped out like a road trip before I get started.

Which book do you wish you’d written?

The one I’m on deadline for now. Ummm …. I want to have written the Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews,

Here's the blurb for Blatantly Blythe...

Return to Ghost Falls, where love comes to stay, for the long awaited third book in the series.

Eric Evans is about to discover that you don’t know you love someone until you lose them, when town “bad girl” Blythe Barrows ends their long-term, on-again, off-again, friends with benefits relationship.

Having finally gained independence from the disreputable Barrows family, Blythe wants more for herself. However commitment-phobic Eric never made any promises.

Unable to let her go, Eric must fight for what he’s lost. But can Blythe trust him with her heart enough to give their love a second chance?

Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they've made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble. Mimicking her globe trotting adventures, Sarah's career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.She currently lives in Littleton, Colorado, with her teenage daughters, an evolving pet army and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah's restless heart is most content when reading or writing books. I love to hear from readers.

If you'd like to find out more and get the links as soon as they are live, check out her website. She's a talented, brilliant, and riotously funny, so make sure to sign up for her newsletter.

You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you Sarah for visiting us this week!

In other news...

HURRICANE REESE IS ON SALE! That's right! You can pick up my first Dreamspinner book for 99 PENNIES! Get your copy and find out just what happens when a talented, gorgeous and wealthy musician moves back in with his ornery grandfather and butts heads with the quiet, reserved, and sexy-as-hell caregiver he's hired. Get yours today and then visit Rainbow Romance Reads to enter my rafflecopter!

Thanks for joining me today in celebrating Sarah Hegger's new release! More news to come so Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance...

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