Thanks everyone for all of your support! We are super excited about this anthology and grateful to everyone for sharing, buying, and shouting about it from the rooftops!
Today I want to share Dawn Montgomery's 10 Things About A More Perfect Union. Dawn and I have known each other online since before I published my first indie release. She's been a constant cheerleader in life and writing and I love her to pieces. I'm tickled that we are working together in the Magic and Mayhem Universe AND that she joined us to give her unique perspective about voting in her story! Read on for more…
10 Things with Dawn Montgomery
Thank you so much for sharing the word about A More Perfect Union! This is an incredible collection of stories from some amazing authors. It also brings attention to something that has affected me personally, as both an active duty military member and a retired citizen. I couldn't ask to be part of a more worthy cause right now. I really hope you enjoy getting to know Angela and Marcus in "The First Moment I Loved You".
Q1: Tell us about A More Perfect Union.
A: Nine brand-new, voting-themed short stories were brought together to raise money for Fair Fight, an organization dedicated to combatting voter suppression. I seriously love the stories I've read so far. I'm in awe to be part of such an amazing group. The authors involved are Adrienne Bell, Aliza Mann, Claire Marti, R.L. Merrill, M.D. Neu, Dawn Montgomery (me!), Sera Taino and Kearney Wentworth.
Q2: You said voter suppression has affected you personally. Would you like to comment on that a bit?
A: When I was on active duty, we were constantly battling to get our ballots in and counted in time for each election. As a military member, you can maintain your state of residence when you live somewhere else. Some states were tougher than others when it came to having our voices heard, especially in a special election. Recently, my mother and many others faced voter suppression in our tiny town. I've been battling it in local rural communities for almost three years. We've made headway, and I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish in my state before the midterms.
Q3: What can you tell us about "The First Moment I Loved You"?
A: This story takes place in 2012 at a remote tour in Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Angela Morehouse is the Voting Assistance Officer for the base and is working hard to get the new troops squared away with their absentee ballots. At the briefing, she meets Marcus Bishop, a gorgeous man who seems to know her. But from where? And why doesn't she remember him?
Q4: How did you get involved with the project?
A: Throughout most of 2020, I spent a lot of time chatting on social media about how the US Government works for trials, impeachments, voting, etc. There were so many questions in October and November that I would have a quick Q&A once a week to explain how things worked in our voting process. So many were fascinated when they learned how military voting works. Adrienne was forming this amazing group and R.L. Merrill contacted me. She knew how much Fair Fight and understanding our election process means to me. The MOMENT I heard about it, my heart was in it all the way.
Q5: Where did your inspiration for the story come from?
A: “The First Moment I Loved You" was based, in part, on a real-life experience with voting when I was stationed at Incirlik, AB. It was a special election and the state couldn't get our official absentee ballot forms to us because the host country (Turkey) had shut down incoming and outgoing mail. I had to fill out a generic absentee ballot, and ship it off. Our Voting Assistance Officer (she was a Technical Sergeant, an E-6) contacted the state, worked with the local Official Document Office, and coordinated with a Guard unit returning home from their assignment to get our mail back to the states in time for the election cutoff.
The romance began with a simple 'what if?'. What if you changed someone's life and didn't know it?
Q6: You mentioned the story takes place in 2012. Why is that?
A: Turkey has changed significantly since then. The places we used to visit right off base are all closed down. I wanted to capture a moment of hope, fun, and adventure for Angela and Marcus.
Q7: Why did you choose the military for this story?
There were a lot of misconceptions about absentee ballots in this past election. So many wanted to throw out military ballots that it broke my heart. I wanted to show what it takes to get ballots in from overseas and the challenges they face (like the host country refusing to allow mail to be sent and what actions have to be taken when that occurs during an election). Every election has a direct impact on the military mission. Policies are made that will literally endanger, save, or destroy lives. It's extremely important that military members get a say in who gets elected.
Q8: What is your favorite thing about this story?
A: I really love the way Angela and Marcus reconnect and get to know who they are right now. My favorite part is when she's told about their first real encounter together…and her reaction to it.
Q9: What stories are you looking forward to in A More Perfect Union?
A: I really can't wait to finish reading all of the stories in this anthology. I'll tell you this, though. R.L. Merrill's will be the first one I read. I love everything she writes. She's also a brilliant light in my life. A few authors are new to me and (and at least one is a debut writer!!!!). I've already set up my schedule to bury myself in the anthology the moment it's delivered to my Kindle!
Q10: Final question: what are you working on now?
A: I'm closing out a space romance series and finishing up the zero draft of a novel for the next Magic and Mayhem universe release in June. 2021 will be a busy year and I'm really looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for checking out A More Perfect Union!
You can pick up the anthology on Amazon and Apple. You can learn more about Dawn and her books on Facebook and on the Magic and Mayhem site.
I can't wait to hear from readers! What did you think? Any stories resonate with you? Comment below or shoot me an email at rlmerrillauthor@gmail.com. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the stories I had to wait for! Thanks again for joining us and Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance…