Music Behind The Story with M.M. Genet and Meant To Be…Inspired

Greetings Rock 'n' Rollers! I hope you're having a great weekend and I'm tickled to bring you the second installment of Meant To Be…Inspired with M.M. Genet! This collection is all about music so what better place to share than my Rock 'n' Romance Blog! I hope you enjoy this excerpt.

Meant to Be…INSPIRED

**Read Free Excerpt Below**

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. ― Plato

Take a journey through five melody-infused worlds where music inspires love to bloom.

“Tempo of Temptation” by Lela Bay / Regency
Perhaps it is best that Mr. Leon doesn’t recall Petra's mortifying declaration of love. Could their intense attraction during an impromptu midnight concert inspire her to risk her heart again?

“Contact High” by Emmy Z. Madrigal / New Adult

Raul’s addiction is just another symptom of the hard life he’s been dealt but when Victoria sings, his troubles fade into the background. Can her music inspire him to get clean?

“Her Immortal Beloved” by M.M. Genet / Historical

Beethoven’s plan is to write the ultimate love song that transcends all time for his beloved. Will the woman of his heart let his music inspire her?

“Rick Prince and the Manhattan Muse” by Naching T. Kassa / Steamy

Heart-broken musician, Rick Prince, is inspired by the beautiful single-mother, Zella. He has no idea she holds a secret from his past which may tear them apart.

“Love Comes to Kenneth’s Valley” by Kate Nox / Inspirational

Grayson Greer motivates his congregation through music, but after the death of his wife, the pastime is shrouded in pain. Can Rachel’s love inspire him to move on?


**Read Free Excerpt Below**

"Her Immortal Beloved"

by M.M. Genet

16 of July, just before dawn

My Love,

I am not entirely sure how I found the strength to leave your bed just before the rising of the sun. If it had not been for your maid, Yvonne, and her gentle understanding of our precarious situation, I assure you, I would have slept long into the morning in the safety of your loving arms. She has saved us.

To leave you this morning is to know we will be together again soon. Yvonne’s discretion should be rewarded. I am grateful. While there is an ache in my heart now, as I write this on the coach ride home, I have found new resolve. I have a plan, my darling. Our love may be forbidden, and that is a sin. As I see it, it is no more a sin than the arranging of my hand to my husband for the political and financial gain of our two families. My body may be a commodity, but my heart is mine to choose to whom I give it. I choose you, my love.

My husband and children will just be waking as I come from the garden with freshly gathered eggs. I have asked the cook to prepare my husband’s favorite breakfast. As he enjoys it, I will tell him of my father’s aspirations for his son-in-law’s political career. If money and power are at the heart of my marriage, so be it. But what is a political campaign without a composer? For the dozens of balls that we will be required to host as well as the many marches required to gather a crowd around a podium, a musician and composer will need to be employed.

I have already written to my mother to tell her there is a rumor a famous composer is taking his holiday in Teplitz. Make yourself known only with the greatest discretion. In another life, my mother must have been a privateer. She takes great pleasure in discovering lost treasure. I dare say, look for my mother’s invitation to tea within the week.

Ever yours,


16 July, near midnight

My love,

The house has gone quiet again and the plans I proposed this morning are set in motion. It is night and that is when I am most lonely for you. Last night was fleeting. I can still feel the passion of your kisses. I have never known love that is truly my own. I fear I might be drunk with the sensation.

Before last night, my body had only known obligations. Now, it knows desire.

Before last night, my mind only knew obedience. Now, it embraces the freedom of my own choice.

Before last night, I tucked my heart deep into the darkest of places, guarded and locked away. Tonight, it flies free on the wind, under the safety of night, with the stars as its guide into your embrace.

I am whole. I am unbound. Most importantly, despite the circumstances, I am yours.



Read more in Meant to Be…INSPIRED.

Thanks to author M.M. Genet for sharing this excerpt! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, the end of August, and the dog days of summer. I'll be back next week with HALLOWEEN DECOR!~ STAY TUNED FOR MORE ROCK 'N' ROMANCE…


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