Friendy Friday with Madison Granger

Welcome to the first Friendy Friday of 2020! I hope you've all survived January and you're kicking February's ass! So far, February and I are about neck-and-neck. Lots of great things are happening, I've got lots of irons in the fire, which means exciting things to come. I just need to survive the ass-kicking!

In the chaos of the holidays and some family stuff gone wrong, I missed posting a Friendy Friday for a long-time author pal. Madison Granger has been gracious enough to be patient with me and so without further ado, please welcome her to the Rock 'n' Romance Blog!

Author Interview

1. Clue us in to your "era" by sharing a few of your favorite songs.

I've lived through so many eras that it's kind of hard to pin me down to anything specific. The same goes with favorite songs. Though I do have a few that stand out. In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins, The Dance by Garth Brooks and absolutely anything by Edwin McCain.

2. What’s one thing every reader should know about you?

I'm truly a work in progress. I started writing when I sat down with Phoenix Rising. I'm doing it all (writing, formatting, publishing) by myself and learning as I go.

3. Which of these describes your writing process: charts, calendars and colorful post-its hung on the wall of a brightly lit tidy office space? Or a desk piled high with notes written on napkins and receipts, notebooks half-filled with scribbles and partial outlines you never finished because you're a pantser? Explain and attach memes or pics if they apply.

Ordinarily, I'm a very organized person. My writer persona however is someone I'm still coming to terms with. Definitely a pantser, I work with post-it notes taped to my desk cabinets. Pictures of stock models representing my characters fill a bulletin board next to my computer. Binders bulge with character profiles, settings notes, and timelines.

4. Describe your most awkward author moment ever. Then describe your most rewarding experience as an author.

I haven't been to many book signings. When I do go I usually have my sister or my best friend, FJ Roberts with me. People always seem surprised to find out I'm the author instead of my companion. I'm not sure who they're expecting. At a local trade show, one reader was so excited about my books she wanted to know why I wasn't writing right then and there. She was impatiently waiting for Deuces Wild to come out..

5. What is the best reader response you’ve ever received?

When they tell me they couldn't put my book down. That never gets old.

6. What is the most fascinating/creepy/disgusting thing you’ve discovered because of writing?

I've heard some wild stories regarding this question. I just haven't come across anything that weird yet.

7. Name a book that inspired you, one you disliked that everyone loves, and one that made you cry. Or, if you never shed tears, made you uncomfortable in some way.

I’ve read so many books I can't name one book alone that has inspired me. Night by Elie Wiesel, Roots by Alex Haley are two I can readily think of. Why they inspired me? I love heroes. These books tell how anyone can be a hero. You simply have to care enough to do something about it. Fifty Shades of Gray was a bestseller turned into a movie. I never understood the big fascination. I read the books, never bothered with the movies. It doesn't take much to make me cry. I'm very emotional. Acheron and Styxx, both by Sherrilyn Kenyon, got to me and stayed with me. These are the emotion packed books I strive to write. On the other end of the spectrum, Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schreiber, was one of the most disturbing books I ever read.

8. Music or silence when you write? if music, what's on your current playlist?

Depends on my mood or the scene I'm writing. Country music is my preferred favorite, but there are times when only metal will do. Five Finger Death Punch is great for fight scenes. Pandora is my playlist.

9. Did a teacher in school ever encourage or discourage your desire to write? Care to share?

I had no idea I could write until I sat down with Phoenix Rising. The fact that I have several books published are still a surprise to me.

10. What's your favorite genre to write? And...what's a genre you haven't written but would LOVE to write?

Paranormal romance is my absolute favorite to write, with Urban Fantasy a close second. I'm not sure it's a genre and it might not ever happen, but I'd like to write a children’s book one day.

11. Best and worst jobs you've ever had other than writing.

Best: Training and showing horses

Worst: Answering service operator

You can find Madison in all of these places...

Madison's got a new book out and I'd love to give one away to a random commenter who recommends some great fight scene music for Madison! Winner will be chosen next week.

In the meantime, check out Blindsided!

Falcon Kilpatrick has always been a ladies’ man. Not a ‘player,’ but he never had trouble attracting the fairer sex, either. Until now. Trying to convince Nicci they’re meant to be together takes a back seat as he uncovers lies and deception surrounding the mysterious beauty. Will he lose her before he has a chance to claim her?Blindsided ...The Kindred, Book 4

Coming April 2020

Deuces Wild … The Kindred, Book 5

Thanks everyone... Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance...
