Friendy Friday with La Quette

Happy Friday Friends! It's a topsy-turvy time for Ro. I have so many things to be excited about right now, including today's special guest on the Rock 'n' Romance blog! I'm also making mad preparations for Book Lovers Con in New Orleans which is happening IN LIKE 11 DAYS! I can't even, guys. I'm stupid excited to see everyone. I'll be posting an updated schedule of events on my website and on the blog, but I'd love to know who's coming!

Today's guest is a true rock star. I met La Quette briefly last year at the Romance Writers of America conference in Denver, and when I saw the cover reveal for Under His Protection I was ridiculously excited. The blurb was titillating, the cover was, well, droolworthy is not a strong enough descriptor, and then I read the book. I was floored. Such a great read, in fact, I plan to give away a few copies to some folks in my reader group Ro's Roadies of Romance, so if you're not a member, be sure to join! La Quette was awesome and agreed to participate in the sometimes-silly, always-entertaining World's Most Dangerous Interview, so let's learn more about this talented lady!

Author Interview for Rock ‘n’ Romance Blog with La Quette!

  1. What is the best reader response you’ve ever received?

I’m fortunate to say I’ve had many, but two recent moments come to mind. For my book, Under His Protection. The first was a review on Love In Panels by Dylan St. James. She was overwhelmingly enthused by the celebration of blackness in this story. Kimberly at Love Bytes had an equally visceral reaction to the obvious blackness of one of the heroes, Elijah, and his family. She loved everything from the lively game of spades to the food preparation. Some readers might not have gotten the importance of those elements regarding black culture, but those two did and I was so happy they enjoyed it.


It’s not often that people of color get to see themselves represented on the page in positive ways. It was satisfying that readers could connect with those moments in real-life relatable ways.

2. Did a teacher in school ever encourage or discourage your desire to write? Care to share?


My freshman year of college, I wrote a paper detailing a summer night of fun growing up in the projects in Brooklyn. My professor was so impressed because it was the first time he’d seen the projects described in such a loving way. It was the first time I realized my works had the power to convey meaning and emotion.

3. What music inspires you?


I use music to emote in my work, or to inspire my mood. So, if I need to get amped to write, or workout, I’ve got Hip Hop with a banging bass line and an upbeat tempo in my ears. If I need to feel encouraged, I listen to gospel. If I need to get in the mood to write sexy times, I’ve got R&B blasting.

4. Give us a visual of you dancing. The Carlton? Napoleon Dynamite? Solid Gold?


Solid Gold, definitely (I loved that show, by the way. That and Dance Fever were my jams!). I am so smooth on the dance floor. I’m not doing Michael Jackson or Beyoncé level choreography, mind you. But I look like the beat was made for me in a middle-aged-but-still-cool sort of way.

5. Name the first book you read as a young person with sexy times in it. How many times did you read it?


Carole Mortimer’s The Devil’s Price. I was sixteen, and it was ah-maz-ing!! I still have that book. I still read that book. Lol

6. Which book boyfriend/girlfriend (whether one you’ve read or written) sets the standard for all heroes/heroines in your writing?


There are two. Angelo Pagan from Love The Sinner and Pablo Castillo from Sinner, Savior, both by Avril Ashton. They both would do anything for their significant others. ANYTHING!!! I think their dedication is such a wonderful character trait. My characters aren’t all underworld crime bosses like these two gentlemen, but even a high-powered business exec should be willing to do anything to save the person he loves most in the world.

7. If you had to choose a movie or book to live in, what would it be?


It’s not one book. It’s an entire series. Faith, Love, and Devotion Series by Tere Michaels. ALL THE FEELS!!!

8. Name your author superpower and how does it come out in your writing?


Describing emotions in a concrete way via sensory detail, snark, and sex. Those are the three things I’m really good at. So, if you pick up a LaQuette book, that’s what you will get.


9. Which book do you wish you’d written?


Avril Ashton’s Love The Sinner. That book is all about my beloved Brooklyn. It was the first time I’d seen some traditionally depicted as less favorable portions of Brooklyn written with so much love. And that woman can write sex that will get you pregnant from the page.


10. Which musical describes your life?


Fame! The entire score is a metaphor for my life from birth to now.

11. Ever get caught reading/writing sexy times in an awkward place/time/situation?

Yes!!! I’m known for working on Scrivener mobile on my phone. Since I’m short, people can look over my shoulder easily if they really want to be nosy. Well, one day, I was standing in line waiting to pick up my then four-year-old from pre-k. I was typing away on my phone, and this grandma picking up another kid got an eyeful as we were waiting for school to dismiss. She took a loud indignant gasp to let me know she wasn’t pleased with me. I just smiled at her and shrugged my shoulders. If she hadn’t been minding my business, she wouldn’t have had her sensibilities offended.

Bio: LaQuette writes bold & sexy tales for diverse characters who are confident in their right to appear on the page. Represented by Latoya C. Smith or LCS Literary Agency.

I recently read Under His Protection and it's still sitting with me. When she says her superpower is describing emotions, that's an understatement. I loved this book so much for that very reason. Elijah's family was awesome, Elijah is awesome, I just can't with Camden, he was the perfect dude in distress. Here's the blurb:

They can escape their enemies, but not the desire between them.


Prosecutor Camden Warren is on the fast track to professional nirvana. With his charm, his sharp legal mind, and his father as chief judge in the highest court in NY, he can’t fail. Nothing can derail his rise to the top… until an attempt on his life forces him to accept the help of a man he walked out on five years ago.


Wounded in the line of duty, Lieutenant Elijah Stephenson wants to ride his new desk job until retirement—not take a glorified babysitting gig with more risk than it’s worth… especially not protecting the entitled lawyer who disappeared after the best sex of their lives.


The threat against Camden’s life is real, but their passion for each other might prove the greatest danger they’ve yet to face.

Like I said above, I will be giving away two copies of this book to readers in my reader group, so join today at the link above OR check out Under His Protection at the following places today!

Dreamspinner Press


And after you read this fantastic book, go on over to La Quette's website and check out the rest of her books! Which is what I did. And now my TBR pile is a happy place. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where you can go and view the lovely "Elijah" over and over... And then stay tuned because she's just announced that she's going to be doing a series of historical novels set during the Harlem Renaissance with Dreamspinner and I cannot WAIT for that!

That's all for today, my beloved rockers! Stay Tuned for some New Orleans hijinks, Book Lovers Con updates, and SOON I will have info on my next TWO releases! That's right! You'll get TWO books from Ro in June!

Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance...
