Friendy Friday with CM Peters!

Welcome to Friendy Friday! As you're reading this, I will be either en route or in Los Angeles to meet up with my Dreamspinner folks on Saturday at the LA Times Festival of Books and then Sunday I'll be headed over to Lancaster, CA for a signing at the Lil Book Bug bookstore. So exciting! Here is a flyer with all of the deets in case you can make it!

I met CM Peters through the lovely Harley Easton. Both of these ladies are my co-authors in last summer's anthology, Summer Fair. This was the third collection the group of authors put together and I was grateful to be a part of what is now known as The StoryPenners. I had a blast on the project and made some dear friends. CM writes in some different genres, but this week we'll be sharing her latest thriller, Pawn.

But is customary, CM takes the hot seat for...

The World’s Most Dangerous Interview

  1. Name a liquid you’ve shot out of your nose while laughing… bonus points for what made you laugh. Not a liquid but a spaghetti noodle. It was a fart joke. I know, I’m 37, I shouldn’t laugh at those, but I still do.

  2. Give us a visual of you dancing. The Carlton? Napoleon Dynamite? Solid Gold? Disco queen is my style! Spin me some ABBA!

  3. Name the first book you read as a young person with sexy times in it. How many times did you read it? The Silhouette book series. Usually the ones in historical times with a fiery redhead conquered by the mean pirate!

  4. What is the most fascinating/creepy/disgusting thing you’ve discovered because of writing? Fascinating for me is that I’ve had all these stories in my for so long and it took 20-something years for them to get out.

  5. Which book boyfriend/girlfriend (wither one you’ve read or written) sets the standard for all heroes/heroines in your writing? Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series! Oh, dear God that man is amazingly hot but strong and kind, funny and resourceful.

  6. Name a book that scared the bejeebers out of you and why it scared you. Any Clive Barker when I was a teenager scared the crap out of me. My imagination is quite vivid and I could imagine everything as if it was in my living room. The nightmares that came were scary!

  7. If you had to choose a movie or book to live in, what would it be? Boooook! Always book. Write your own story!

  8. Name your author superpower and how does it come out in your writing? Dialogue Queen here. I get endless ideas for my characters to talk about and have to stop myself more often than not.

  9. Which book do you wish you’d written? The Life List by Lori Nelson Spielman. It made me grow so much and I recommend it to most people.

  10. Which musical describes your life? The Greatest Showman. I’ve felt like one of P.T Barnum’s freaks all my life and the bearded lady is close to my heart.

  11. Ever get caught reading/writing sexy times in an awkward place/time/situation? Doctor/Hospital waiting rooms are very inspirational for me. Ask my bestie.

Spaghetti...bleck haha. I had a friend who would purposely snort one end and cough out the other so he could "floss" his throat...Sorry if that visual sends you hurling, or shooting something out of your nostril!

Now, here's the goods on Pawn:

When Lena Bennett loses her father, she has to take over the family business. But with the business comes secrets. Deadly secrets.

What can she do when she's backed into a corner with no one to turn to?

Intrigued? I sure am.

Here's more about CM:

CM Peters would like to be ageless but hasn’t found the fountain of youth just yet. She works in the communications field but her true passion is writing. She hails from Québec and has been back at writing regularly after a long break since college.

An eclectic writer, CM is equally at home penning short erotica, quality fanfiction, and elaborate sci-fi and fantasy novels. Whatever genre she is working in, CM always centers her stories around complex, relatable characters. At the moment, she's hard at work editing a novel...then two more!

She’s been published in erotica and romance anthologies, a collaborative book with Gallery Books, and co-edited a few anthologies.

If she's not furiously typing, you'll surely find her with her eyes staring at the chocolate-brown beam in her living room to organize her next outline before putting it down on paper.

Want to know more? You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and on Amazon.

Now, just a heads up...a very special guest will be joining me in Los Angeles and there just might be some hijinks on Facebook. So, Stay Tuned for more Rock 'n' Romance...
