Friendy Friday - Holiday Reads Edition

"So why, Ro, if you aren't a fan of Christmas, are you so damn happy about holiday reads?"

Well, I'll tell you what the secret is: Holiday reads almost always include hope and love, and those two ingredients are the spice of life, ones I crave on a daily basis, and what time of year are people in desperate need of those two things? RIGHT NOW! More than ever! This year has hit lots of folks hard, so I'll be happily posting this month some favorite holiday reads.

Today I'm reading Hope is The Thing With Feathers because I freaking love Brandon's stories. I first read one of Brandon's books last year, Then The Stars Fall, and I was blown away. I absolutely loved the story and set about reading a whole bunch of Brandon's work. He had a holiday story out last year, Teddy Bears, which you might remember I gushed all over too. He has this gift of writing some of the most awkward characters I've ever read, and I love awkward, you guys know this. He's a dude after my own "get off my lawn" heart. So I started reading this one today, on release day, and I can't put it down. I've already been horrified and felt such sympathy... the "awwwwww" factor is real. I know you, my beloved readers, love awkward and aw (not to be confused with shock and awe) so pick up this selection from Dreamspinner's Holiday Advent reads and you will experience all of the awkward and aw with me!



I also thought I'd remind you all of my quirky Christmas novella I put out this summer because why not? If you love hot firemen, gargoyles that shape-shift into irresistible action hero lookalikes, crazy cat ladies, and our own Afterlife Intervention Specialist Louis Sheffield, you MUST pick up Father F'in' Christmas. For only 99 pennies you'll laugh, cry, snort, and root for our hero to win the girl! It's available on Amazon and FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Father F'in' Christmas: A Minded Story

I'm also putting together all kinds of goodies for you this month. There will be sales, freebies, giveaways... and Pet Rescue stories right here on the blog! For more details, please sign up for my newsletter-y thingie TODAY so you don't miss out on all the goodies!

Be sure to keep up with the blog this month as I plan to spotlight some reader stories and STAY TUNED FOR MORE ROCK 'N' ROMANCE!
