Because a young man I just met is hurting...

Today I am hurting because a young man I just met is hurting. Actually, I know several young people who are hurting. Because I hurt for them, too, I wrote this poem. Please share it with anyone you know who might be hurting.

The Pull

The Pull

It's there every day

In all directions

When it's down, it burns

It stings

It's hell

Pull my lip, pull my hair, pull my skin

Pull me down, pull me flat, pull me thin

Wish for once...

The Pull

Would be there every day

In an upwards direction

When it's up, it excites

It lifts

It's a high

Pull my lip, pull my hair, pull my skin

Pull me down, pull me flat, pull me thin

The Pull

Is still there

It's up and it's not

It hurts,

It soothes

It's purgatory

I'm surviving,

I'm living

I go on

Pulled forward and on...
